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  • Planers

    Planers FAQs

    A planer is a crucial woodworking tool used to create uniform thickness across a piece of wood and smooth its surfaces. It's essential for ensuring that each board is exactly the same thickness throughout, which is vital for precision in joinery and the overall quality of woodworking projects. Planers are particularly useful for flattening warped or rough lumber, preparing it for finer work such as furniture making, cabinetry, and other detailed wood crafts.

    The terms "planer" and "thicknesser" often refer to the same machine in woodworking, especially in different regions. However, in some contexts, a planer is used to flatten one side of the wood, while a thicknesser (or thickness planer) uniformly reduces the wood to a desired thickness. Essentially, a planer ensures the wood is flat, and a thicknesser makes sure it's consistently thick, but many modern machines combine both functions into one unit.

    Helical planers are often considered superior to traditional planers due to their design. They use a helical cutterhead with small, square carbide cutters arranged in a spiral pattern. This configuration results in a smoother finish, reduced tear-out, and quieter operation. The cutters also have four edges, so they can be rotated for fresh cutting surfaces, extending blade life. While more expensive, helical planers offer better performance and durability, making them a preferable choice for many woodworkers.

    Whether a planer or a sander is better depends on the specific woodworking task. A planer is ideal for quickly creating uniform thickness across a board and flattening rough lumber. It's essential for preparing wood in the initial stages of a project. A sander, on the other hand, is better for finishing work. It smooths the wood's surface, removes minor imperfections, and prepares it for painting or staining. Both tools have distinct roles and are often used together for best results.

    Choosing the right thickness planer for your woodworking projects

    A stack of freshly planed wooden boards on a workshop table

    When it comes to woodworking, a planer is more than just a tool – it's an essential piece of equipment that transforms rough lumber into workable material. Our extensive collection of planers caters to a diverse range of woodworking needs, ensuring precision, efficiency, and quality in every piece you craft. Understanding what attributes to look for in a planer and recognizing the value it adds to your workshop is crucial in making an informed decision.

    What to Look for in a Planer

    Power and Efficiency

    The motor's power in a planer determines its ability to handle various wood types and sizes. Look for a planer that offers enough power to smoothly plane your typical wood stock without bogging down.

    Cutting Depth and Width Capacity

    This determines how much material can be removed in one pass and the maximum width of the board you can plane. While a benchtop planer will be easier to store in most workshops, a larger planer with a wider capacity and greater cutting depth increases your flexibility in handling different project sizes.

    Blade Quality and Adjustability

    The quality of the blades directly impacts the finish of the wood. Look for planers with high-quality, durable blades, and easy adjustability for precise control over the depth of cut. Helical cutterheads with 4-sided carbide inserts produce smoother finishes, even on figured wood like maple. If you're looking for quality, look for a BYRD Shelix cutterhead.

    Feed Rate and Speed Control

    The rate at which wood is fed through the planer affects the quality of the finish. Variable speed control allows for greater versatility and control, especially when working with different types of wood.

    Dust Collection and Safety Features

    Efficient dust collection systems keep your workspace clean and improve the planer's longevity. Make sure the machine you're buying has a dust port. Safety features like lock-off buttons and anti-kickback mechanisms are essential for safe operation.

    Woodworking Delight: Why You Need a Planer In Your Workshop

    Uniform Thickness and Smooth Finish

    A planer ensures each piece of wood is of uniform thickness and has a smooth finish, which is crucial for professional-quality work in joinery, cabinetry, and furniture making.

    Time and Cost Efficiency

    By quickly and efficiently processing rough lumber, a planer saves time and reduces the need to purchase pre-planed wood, which can be significantly more expensive.

    Versatility in Woodworking Projects

    A planer allows you to work with reclaimed lumber and customize materials for unique projects, broadening the scope of what you can create.

    Enhanced Woodworking Skill Set

    Mastering the use of a planer adds to your skills as a woodworker, allowing for more complex and refined projects.

    Make Wood Work For You With One of Our Planers

    Wide Range of Options

    Our collection includes planers of varying sizes, power ratings, and features, ensuring you find the perfect match for your specific woodworking needs.

    Quality and Durability

    We pride ourselves on offering planers that are not only powerful and efficient but also built to last, providing you with a reliable tool for many years.

    Advanced Features

    Our planers come equipped with the latest features in woodworking technology, such as a Wixey digital readout, helical cutterheads, and thermal overload protection, enhancing your woodworking experience.

    Customer Support and Service

    We provide comprehensive customer support, from helping you choose the right planer to offering maintenance tips and servicing, ensuring you get the most out of your purchase.

    Competitive Pricing

    Our planers are priced to offer the best value, balancing top-notch quality with affordability, ensuring you get a premium product without breaking the bank.


    A planer is an invaluable addition to any woodworking shop, and choosing the right one can significantly enhance the quality and scope of your work. Our collection of planers is carefully curated to offer the best in terms of power, precision, and value. Whether you're a seasoned woodworker or just starting out, our planers are designed to elevate your craft and bring your woodworking projects to new heights of excellence. Explore our range to find the planer that will become a cornerstone in your workshop, transforming the way you work with wood.